Teriyaki Madness made the ranks for not one but two Franchise Gator awards. TMAD made it to the list of Franchise Gator’s Top Emerging Franchises and Franchise Gator’s Fastest Growing Franchises.
Fastest Growing Franchises
First up, Teriyaki Madness ranked in at number 11, on the Fastest Growing Franchises list. Teriyaki Madness was recognized for our extraordinary opportunity to own a restaurant at a reasonable cost between $270,699-$596,850 with a proven 2017 AUV of $1,096,047.
This is the 3rd year in a row that Teriyaki Madness has won a spot on the Fastest Growing Franchise List. Click here to see the full list of the fastest growing franchises.
Top Emerging Franchises
Ranking in at number 20 on the Top Emerging Franchises list, TMAD’s unique concept combined with a mature business system paves the way for our expanding success.
For the 4th year in a row, Teriyaki Madness has been recognized for being one of the top emerging franchise concepts. For the full list of emerging franchise concepts, click here.
The team at TMAD is excited to be featured once again with these incredible awards.