New Franchise Owners: Scott & Denise Lingeman

Scott and Denise Lingeman are our newest franchise owners in Florida!

Scott has over 30 years of experience as an airline pilot and recently retired and Denise has experience in her family restaurant and as an office manager at a dental office. The pair found Teriyaki Madness through a consultant and they were impressed by the culture and the delicious menu. They decided that TMAD was the right choice for them!

Scott and Denise both love the beach and enjoy traveling. Scott also enjoys scuba diving, deep sea fishing and aquarium keeping. The pair wants a better quality of life, regular hours and to be more in control of their own destiny.

The duo plans to open 3 shops in the Tampa/St. Petersburg/Sarasota areas, with a goal of opening a total of 6 shops in the Central West Coast of Florida.

Denise and Scott are excited to grow Teriyaki Madness in Florida!

Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.  ~ Abraham Lincoln

Are you ready to

Join the Madness?

The people have spoken, and they want Teriyaki. Asian and Fast Casual are the two fastest growing segments in the restaurant industry. Join the Japanese franchise revolution and give people what they want: HUGE BOWLS OF AWESOMENESS!


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