Multi-Unit Franchisee Creates Legacy for His Family in Phoenix!

“I want to create a legacy for my family and children. Something that

they can be involved in and take over when the time is right!”

As a Las Vegas resident, Dominic Do saw the success of the 17 Teriyaki Shops in the Las Vegas territory. He fell in love with the TMAD brand and Japanese fast food franchise business model but knew that the Vegas territory was sold out. Dominic decided to move his family to Pheonix Arizona, where he will be spreading the Madness as a Multi-Unit Operator!

Dominic’s experience includes owning three dental practices in Las Vegas, Nevada but he wanted to expand his horizon’s into restaurant ownership. He originally found TMAD through his kids who loved visiting TMAD on a regular basis.

When looking into restaurant ownership, Dominic said, “I always wanted to start anew line of business and have my own food franchise.” He knew he wanted to grow with a company and own multiple Teriyaki Shops which made franchising with TMAD a perfect place to start.

Dominic’s goal with his new Teriyaki Shops is to create a legacy for his family members and to create a future retirement for himself. When asked what made Teriyaki Madness stand out, Dominic said, “The great team, the great food, and overall a great franchise!

Dominic plans to bring multiple locations to Phoenix, Arizona.

Are you ready to

Join the Madness?

The people have spoken, and they want Teriyaki. Asian and Fast Casual are the two fastest growing segments in the restaurant industry. Join the Japanese franchise revolution and give people what they want: HUGE BOWLS OF AWESOMENESS!


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