Investor Visa Candidates Bringing 5 Teriyaki Shops to Wisconsin!




Teriyaki Madness is excited to be bringing five new Teriyaki Shops to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area! 

FirstPathway Partners, a group who help investor visa candidates become American Citizens, were introduced to Teriyaki Madness through a franchise consultant. After visiting the shops, trying the food and meeting the support team, the investors were hooked on the Madness. 

The Franchise Consultant said, “I worked with First Pathways for almost a year on different ideas for their EB5 candidates. They liked TMAD’s business model and they loved Restaurant Sherpas. Having an experienced management company come in to operate the business is the biggest differentiator between Teriyaki Madness and all other franchise concepts.” 

Restaurant Sherpas is a management affiliate working exclusively for Teriyaki Madness. The management company helps with everything from launching the business (Real Estate, Construction, Training) to the management once the Teriyaki Shop is open! 

Working with Investor Visa Candidates? Introduce them to the Madness!


Are you ready to

Join the Madness?

The people have spoken, and they want Teriyaki. Asian and Fast Casual are the two fastest growing segments in the restaurant industry. Join the Japanese franchise revolution and give people what they want: HUGE BOWLS OF AWESOMENESS!


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