CEO Michael Haith, Talks Teriyaki About the Asian Food Franchise Business Opportunity

TMAD CEO Michael Haith was featured on Ryan Hicks Modern Business Podcast with Red Boswell, President of the International Franchise Professionals Group. Michael and Red deep dive into the Asian food franchise Business Opportunity!

“After being in franchising for so long, I’ve realized that in any business that you build the team is the biggest asset, the best asset that you could possibly have.” -Michael Haith

Michael explains that we take candidates that don’t have restaurant or even business experience and we train and nurture them to be successful at Teriyaki Madness!


Listen to the Entire Podcast! >>

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The people have spoken, and they want Teriyaki. Asian and Fast Casual are the two fastest growing segments in the restaurant industry. Join the Japanese franchise revolution and give people what they want: HUGE BOWLS OF AWESOMENESS!


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